“We use ROB-EX Scheduler fully and are very happy with it. We can not put a finger on anything bad at all, ”says Jesper Larsen, who has been COO at Baltic Emballage since the spring of 2016.
Now there is an overview and delivery on time
When Jesper Larsen started at Baltic Emballage, the company delivered approx. 35% of all orders late. Jesper Larsen knows ROB-EX from before and has been involved in implementing it in other companies. After ROB-EX was implemented a year ago, Baltic Emballage now delivers an impressive 99.8% of all orders on time and has a much better overview.
And it was the overview that was lacking in the past, both the long-term overview and the overview of critical goods that the company needed to use in production. The scheduling was run manually in spreadsheets and was very little flexible.
“Almost every day was a problem,” says Jesper Larsen, “it was constant firefighting, and we had a large turnover of employees. Now we have shut down the many panic solutions and got peace of mind ”.
Baltic Emballage now runs almost 100% paperless production, and it gives an important flexibility for Jesper Larsen that he does not have to be present in the company every day to manage the production.
Employees gain influence and become more efficient – and satisfied
With ROB-EX, the company has improved its communication and involved employees more. “Everyone can read the plan on the many Viewers everywhere in the company, including in production. It provides a good climate that people know what to expect and a much better flow, ”he says.
Baltic Packaging saves time
ROB-EX has meant that communication about the entire order process has been simplified, because everyone can now go in and look at the plan and see where the customer order is in the system.
“People approach the tasks in a completely different way than before, and the overview means that they can plan their working hours more efficiently. The employees themselves report back to our ERP system, which is integrated with ROB-EX, as production progresses, ”says Jesper Larsen. It saves a lot of time. It is not only in production that employees can look into ROBEX Scheduler. The Shipping department can now also see if an item has been produced or is on its way.
We spot the problems earlier and are at the forefront
Jesper Larsen continues: “We have experienced other benefits as well, because we have gained a view of everything. Now there are not only four eyes looking at planning, but we are 12 people working effectively with the plan. With more eyes on who can give feedback earlier than before, we can spot the problems and come up with constructive solutions before it all ends up wrong ”.
The process and the collaboration has been really good
“The process of implementing ROB-EX in the company has been super good. We implemented the ROB-EX Scheduler in August 2016 and were already running within 14 days. The contact with ROB-EX A / S has been really good, and there have been no issues at all. They have been easy to get hold of and have always been ready to help. I always call Tommy, who quickly gives us answers to what we need ”, concludes Jesper Larsen.